6 Types of Heels That Every Woman Should Have in Their Closet

Today we are here to discuss about the kinds of heels that a woman’s closest should have. As it has been said earlier, heels are the most common accessories that women have in their wardrobe but with the changing scenario there has evolved latest designer heels in the market. You should always keep in mind […]

Common Heel Ailments

If you have pain or discomfort in your heel, there are many causes. If the pain is chronic and severe enough to greatly impact the daily use of your foot, it is highly recommended that you see a podiatrist as soon as possible. For other heel pain ailments, you may be able to get relief […]

Platform High Heels Vs Other High Heels

Platform heels are first said to have been used in ancient Greece to increase the height of important characters in the Greek theatre. These were also used by prostitutes and courtesans in Venice in the 16th century. Though platform heels gained some popularity in the US, the UK and European countries between 1930s and early […]